Quick Menu / Table of Contents
Introduction Principles Management NRTI Key NRTI Info
NNRTI Key NNRTI Info PI Key PI Info Fusion Inhibitors
Drug Summary Investigational Adherence Lab Evaluation Resistance Tests
PEP Antiretroviral Tables OI Prevention Vaccinations TB Therapy
Hepatitis Therapy OI Diagnosis OI Therapy Bibliography Links

Suggested Further Reading on HIV Management



Reference Comments
U.S. DHHS Adult and Adolescent Treatment Guidelines The inspiration for this website (in approximately 1998)
HIV Disease Management Guide, PDR 2004 Second Edition A handy manual with lots of information from prominent experts in the field and drug information including complete prescribing information.
Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of Persons Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Recommendations of the HIV Medicine Association of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Judith A. Aberg et al, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2004;39:609-629 "These guidelines discuss the following topics: (1) transmission of HIV infection; (2) HIV diagnosis; (3) risk screening; (4) management, with special sections concerning women and children; and (5) adherence."

A Guide to Primary Care of People with HIV/AIDS, John G. Bartlett et al., AETC Website, August 2004

"180 page manual designed to provide practical information for the common questions that arise in the care of patients with HIV infection. Appropriate use of antiretroviral drugs, treatment of opportunistic infections, symptom management, treatment of concurrent medical conditions, patient evaluation, adherence, mental health, substance abuse, overall clinic management, and other factors that lead to improved patient outcomes are addressed."  Individual chapters can be downloaded at the site also.
Sande et al, AIDS Management, 1999. A comprehensive source of AIDS management information
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